ভূমিকম্প-অগ্নিকাণ্ড নিয়ে জনসচেতনতা বাড়াতে এফবিসিসিআইতে মহড়া

ভূমিকম্প ও অগ্নিকাণ্ড নিয়ে জনসচেতনতা বাড়ানোর লক্ষ্যে বাংলাদেশ ফায়ার সার্ভিস ও সিভিল ডিফেন্স অধিদফতর এবং এফবিসিসিআই সেফটি কাউন্সিলে সহযোগিতায় একটি মহড়া...

Empowering Safety Excellence: Three-Day Chemical Safety ToT Program at DIFE

We are delighted to announce the successful culmination of our recent three-day Training of Trainers (ToT) program on Chemical Safety, hosted at the p...

টেকসই উন্নয়ন লক্ষ্যমাত্রা অর্জনে বিপিএসডাব্লিউসির পাঁচ ওয়ার্কিং গ্রুপ ঘোষণা

ঢাকা, আগস্ট ৯,২০২৩: টেকসই উন্নয়ন লক্ষ্যমাত্রা অর্জনে বেসরকারি খাতকে কাজে লাগাতে পাঁচ ওয়ার্কিং গ্রুপ ঘোষণা করেছে বাংলাদেশ প্রাইভেট সেক্টর ওয়ার্কিং ক...

Empowering Safety: Three-Day Electrical Safety ToT Program Creates Trainers for Factory-level Impact

We are thrilled to announce the successful culmination of a dynamic three-day Training of Trainers (ToT) program centered around the critical domain o...

FBCCI Safety Council organized a meeting on The Importance of Safe Workplace Including Chemical and Electrical Safety on 22 June, 2023

FBCCI Safety Council organized a meeting on The Importance of Safe Workplace Including Chemical and Electrical Safety on 22 June 2023 at the FBCCI boa...

FBCCI Safety Council organized a workshop

FBCCI Safety Council organized a workshop titled “The FBCCI Safety Council leveraging lessons learned to move forward” on 8 June 2023 at the FBCCI Aud...

Newly established Bangladesh Private Sector Working Committee aims to help implement national sustainable development agenda

Newly established Bangladesh Private Sector Working Committee aims to help implement national sustainable development agenda Dhaka, 28 May 2023 The...

CSRM | Factory-level training on fire safety, rescue & first aid

08/04/2023 Training on fire safety was held at Chakda Steel & Re-Rolling Mills (pvt) Ltd on 8 April 2023. A team from FSCD was also present at the ve...

Shams Engineering | Factory-level training on fire safety, rescue & first aid

02/04/2023 Training on fire safety was held at Shams Engineering on 2 April 2023. Workers, officers, and the owner of the factory attended the traini...

Factory-level training on fire safety, rescue & first aid at ASM Chemical Industries Ltd

04.02.2023 Factory-level training on fire safety, rescue & first aid at ASM Chemical Industries Ltd. (Supported by Kingdom of Netherlands, Canada)...